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Our Research

Check out our new Genes and Development paper at elucidating one more integrator function in signaling transcriptional programs.


We are recruiting enthusiastic minds to join our team.

Our research

Learn more about our newest endeavors in developing novel small molecules in cancer therapies.


Dr. Shiekhattar will speak at the  FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) in Catania, Italy September 11–15, 2022 which covers the role of new epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of aging and “rejuvenation” strategies for age-related diseases. The conference fosters exciting fundamental knowledge and information, new methodology and technical capabilities, and interdisciplinary collaborations. The meeting provides a uniquely interactive, diverse, and inclusive forum for trainees and new investigators in very different areas, highlighting their research through short talks, poster teasers, and sessions, and promotes several networking and “Meet the Expert” events.


Dr. Shiekhattar was awarded the prestigious “Pioneer Award” from NIH in pursuing a novel line of research on “Enhancer RNA Therapy”.